Future Visions of Reform: Policy Options for The Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Program and Star Ratings
In this report, Leavitt Partners has identified a set of eight policy options to reform the Medicare Advantage (MA) Quality Bonus Program (QBP) and the Star Ratings System. These policy options are intended to improve the MA program for its enrollees and meaningfully contribute to the fiscal sustainability of the Medicare program, as well as to preserve rewards and incentives for MA plans to provide high-quality care to their members. As of 2023, more than half of all Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in MA plans, with the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projecting that 62 percent of all eligible Medicare beneficiaries will be enrolled in MA by 2033. The report details how these policy options could produce up to $108 billion in savings for Medicare over a 10-year period and could extend the solvency of the Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund.