
View our latest blog posts, webinars and news stories below

Webinar Replay: The 2024 Election: What It Could Mean for Health Policy

With months to go, the 2024 election cycle has already been filled with many twists and turns, creating uncertainty about the outcome and its impact on governance. Join three Leavitt Partners experts with significant DC policy experience as they sift through the noise to analyze the current state of play and what it means for … Continue reading

Webinar Replay: The New Administrative State: Implications of Recent Landmark Supreme Court Rulings for Federal Regulations, Agency Deference, and State Implementation

While legal experts assess the recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings, federal and state agency leaders face significant questions about how their agencies and their responsibilities will be impacted. This webinar featured insightful discussions with former federal and state agency leaders exploring the known and yet-to-be determined impacts of recent rulings on federal regulations, rulemaking and … Continue reading

The Present and Future of Alternative Funding Programs for Specialty Drugs

Employers generally want to provide comprehensive medical and pharmacy benefits to their employees, but many organizations and their employees are struggling to cover healthcare costs. In 2018–2023, the average annual premium for family coverage in the commercial market increased by 22 percent. In 2024, employer healthcare costs are expected to continue increasing. In recent years, … Continue reading

New Report Identifies Potential Reforms to the Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Program That Could Save Up to $108 billion

Future Visions of Reform: Policy Options for The Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Program and Star Ratings In this report, Leavitt Partners has identified a set of eight policy options to reform the Medicare Advantage (MA) Quality Bonus Program (QBP) and the Star Ratings System. These policy options are intended to improve the MA program for … Continue reading

Elevating the Beneficiary Perspective: Recommendations on How the CMS Innovation Center Can Enhance Beneficiary Engagement

Several organizations convened by Leavitt Partners met to discuss ways to support the CMS Innovation Center’s goals that further elevate the beneficiary perspective. The organizations provided their feedback on opportunities to help ensure that the Innovation Center’s objectives were met and that the agency efforts were accountable to stakeholders and transparent in their execution. These … Continue reading

Delivering on the Promise of a Patient First Health Care System: A Compromise Approach to Site-Neutral Payments

Today, Leavitt Partners released a new policy framework that proposes a compromise path forward on implementing site-neutral payments. Medicare is an incredibly important program, providing more than 65 million Americans with access to robust health care benefits. As the program has grown, mounting concerns have been raised about its affordability for Medicare beneficiaries and the … Continue reading

New Alliance Aims to Boost Health Care Access for Tribal Communities

25 Tribal Organizations, Medical Schools and Others to Advocate for Policies that Empower New Physicians to Practice in Tribal Communities. Today, 25 urban and rural Tribal organizations, medical schools, health plans, teaching hospitals, medical residencies, and physician advocates launched the American Indian Medical Education Strategies (AIMES) Alliance. The AIMES Alliance, whose mission is to address … Continue reading

Digital Health Leader Joins Leavitt Partners

Leavitt Partners, an HMA Company, is pleased to announce that Mark Marciante has joined the company’s digital health team of experts. He will be a director located in the company’s Washington, D.C., office. Marciante has extensive experience in digital health, successfully driving transformative initiatives for healthcare payers over the past decade. As director of engineering … Continue reading

New Report: Analyzing the Expanded Landscape of Value-Based Entities – Implications and Opportunities of Enablers for the CMS Innovation Center and the Broader Value Movement

New Report Analyzes the Expanding Landscape of Value-Based Entities     Research from HMA and LP VBP experts segments and sizes the growing enabler market, considering benefits and risks, and proposing guiding principles and policy recommendations for the CMS Innovation Center A new in-depth HMA report analyzes the landscape of emerging value-based entities and the implications … Continue reading

Political Checkpoint on Healthcare Policy in 2024

The 2024 election cycle will dominate the headlines, but there will be meaningful health policy both in Congress and in the Biden Administration. This year the Leavitt Partners Political Checkpoint is a video featuring Governor Michael Leavitt and members of our D.C. team talking about short term and longer term outlook on major issues and the … Continue reading