
Webinar: Non-Clinical Tools in Drug Development

Wednesday, March 26
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (CET)

Leavitt Partners, an HMA Company, invites you to join us for a virtual program, Non-Clinical Tools in Drug Development: Current Challenges and the Path Forward on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. This program will bring together regulators, industry, innovators, associations, and non-profits to discuss the issues limiting the development and utilization of nonclinical tools in medicines development.

Speakers will represent regulated industry and government in the US and EU. Additional background on the importance and value of accelerating the development of nonclinical tools is highlighted in this article, TCEM and NAMs: An Innovation Superhighway for Drug Development.

Speakers Will:

  • Set the stage on nonclinical lexicon and definitions and present on what has been achieved in the nonclinical space thus far, including reduced utilization of animal testing.
  • Discuss challenges faced in implementing nonclinical tools, which would improve the predictability of clinical outcomes and lessen the resource intensiveness of current clinical processes.
  • Consider what steps need to be taken to further use of nonclinical tools, such as global harmonization and updates to regulatory processes and requirements.

Featured Speaker:

Andrew von Eschenbach, M.D.,
President, Samaritan Health Initiatives
Urologic Oncologist, and Former Director of the National Cancer Institute and Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration